Explore the things you can do for autism.

Choose one simple action you will do to make a world of difference for autistic people.

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I will do one thing for social situations

Autistic people can find social situations incredibly challenging. Yet small, simple things such as talking clearly and unambiguously about one thing at a time can assist autistic people to participate.

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I will do one thing for anxiety

Changes to routines and unexpected demands can be distressing and create anxiety in autistic people. Providing schedules, making lists, creating step-by-step plans can really help.

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I will do one thing for time

Autistic people are more sensitive to receiving all the information around them. Allowing consideration time when asking a question, or giving instructions, is very helpful.

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I will do one thing for sensory sensitivity

Acute awareness of light, sound, texture, touch, taste or smell is something many autistic people experience. Simple things such as adjusting light levels and creating quiet areas can assist a person with sensory sensitivities.

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I will do one thing for meltdowns

A stimulation overload as commonly experienced in a shopping centre or busy train station can overwhelm an autistic person and trigger a meltdown. Giving someone in meltdown space, and not judging them, are simple things you can do to help.

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I will do one thing for stimming

Something that autistic people do to keep themselves calm is repeat behaviour or ‘stimming’. Supporting an autistic person to ease their anxiety by understanding their need to do things like fidgeting, rocking or talking to themselves is an awesome thing to do.

Choose one thing to support stimming and self-regulation >

I will do one thing for Social Situations

* indicates required
I am finding it challenging trying to keep up with the discussion
I will speak clearly and say one thing at a time
I am confused by sarcasm
I will avoid using sarcasm in conversations.
I am unable to join in because I can’t keep up with the conversation
I will ensure everyone in the group speaks one at a time
I am having trouble understanding what is really being said
I will be use direct and simple language and be clear when asking questions
I am very literal with language
I will avoid using sayings like ‘pull your socks up’
I am concerned I misunderstand social cues
I will provide additional information to make sure you know what to do
I am struggling in this loud environment
I will find you somewhere quiet so you can recharge
I am non-verbal
I will communicate with pictures
I am challenged by making eye contact
I will not expect you to make eye contact

I will do one thing for Anxiety

* indicates required
I am sometimes challenged by unexpected changes
I will explain any changes and give you time to adapt
I am often anxious when plans change
I will take the time to explain the new plan and ensure you understand
I am concerned about changes to my routine
I will make sure to inform you of changes to your routine ahead of time
I am most calm when we stick to a schedule
I will make sure I am on time

I will do one thing for Time

* indicates required
I am in need of time to process what you’ve said
I will give you time and wait for your response
I am aware of many things going on around me at once
I will be clear and take my time when talking
I am struggling to process all the questions asked of me
I will ask one question at a time
I am confused by all the information I am getting
I will re-ask a question or repeat instructions if needs be

I will do one thing for Sensory Sensitivity

* indicates required
I am sensory sensitive to some things
I will ask if you have any sensory sensitivities
I am impacted by a lot of light and sound
I will lower lights and turn down the music
I am not comfortable with a lot of sensory stimuli
I will ask about your particular sensitivities and make adjustments to the surroundings
I am sensitive to competing noises
I will try to ensure only one sound is happening at once
I am finding the light too bright
I will accept autistic people wearing sunglasses, hats or hoodies indoors
I am not able to deal with a lot of noise
I will accept autistic people wearing headphones

I will do one thing for someone in Meltdown

* indicates required
I am likely to have a meltdown if I get information overload
I will be aware and look for signals
I am having a meltdown
I will not judge, tut or shake my head
I am going to have a meltdown
I will make space, keep people away and let you self-regulate.
I am becoming overwhelmed I might meltdown
I will find a quiet space for you
I am having a meltdown
I will not ask you questions

I will do one thing for Stimming

* indicates required
I am stimming to keep calm
I will support your need to self-regulate by stimming
I am calming myself by rocking back and forth
I will accept your stimming behaviours
I am feeling anxious and need to self-regulate
I will be fine if you need to talk to yourself to calm yourself
I am calmed down by twirling, twiddling or flapping my hands.
I will accept you need to do this when you become anxious
I am feeling the need to calm myself
I will understand that your way of self-regulating is to jump around to release energy
I am feeling a bit overwhelmed and need to relax
I will understand that repetitiously moving objects is soothing for you
I am starting to get anxious
I will accept that you may need to vocalise loudly or repeatedly to relieve your anxiety